I’m an avid 360 gamer and have owned all consoles. Next Gen console wise only have the 360 left after selling the PS3 and Wii. And I’m a little obsessed with Achievement Points. One thing that, annoys me as a Gamer, is the varying difficulty of achievements. I recently wrote an article on 360Crazy.com explaining my thoughts on this. And now, I’m not one to show off – ok I am – but, QueenB submitted it to N4G also. Which to those who don’t know, is one of the biggest, if not biggest, gaming news site (News 4 Gamers see :P). Forget going to the 360 section, or recent stories, it’s been moved from 3rd hottest story to 2nd 😀
So yeah, I’m showing off. But, also linking you all the article 🙂