We’ve now got our very own group for GirlGamers.co.uk on Steam. You can join the group here. As the group is new, we’re looking for an avatar for the group and we’re running it as a competition. The competition for an avatar will end June 30th and will be judged by the group members. The…
Videogame Girlfriends are bad news
A recent article on the Official Xbox Magazine website has interestingly revealed that videogame girlfriends never seem to make it to the end of a game alive. By the way, if you’re planning on clicking the link to the article, be aware that there are possible spoilers. It is true though, but why? Why can’t…
Women’s wages are higher than men’s in the UK gaming industry
‘The Market for Computer and Video Games (MCV)’ recent research has revealed that the average salary for women working in the UK games industry is £33,260 per year, which is £2,000 higher than an average male salary working in the same industry.
The annoyances of being a ‘Girl Gamer’
Since joining up here and interacting with several other girl gamers, I have learnt that I’m not the only female who can sit and play a game for hours on end and enjoy that feeling of accomplishment when you finally finish a game. It’s common knowledge that the gaming industry and all things game…
Tomb Raider: Underworld Review (XBOX360)
It’s hard to believe that Lara Croft has been apart of our gaming lives for over a decade. She burst onto our screens in 1996 looking pointy, square and lifeless. Fast forward 12 years and just take a look at her now. Curvy, lifelike and smooth, Lara is looking better than ever and she’s now…
Celebrate Christmas Gamer Style!
As we all know, Christmas can be a really stressful time. Presents need to be bought, decorations need to be hung, food needs to be prepared and visiting the family needs to be arranged. Yes, it’s a time of the year that you either love or hate, but for gamers, it’s a time to bash…
Rock Band 2 to be released November 21st 2008!
The highly anticipated ‘Rock Band 2’ will hit Xbox 360’s on November 21st 2008. Harmonix have announced that it is to start shipping the game in Europe on 14th November. The cost of the ‘Rock Band 2’ software will be £49.99, but standalone hardware will be available at the beginning of December.
Saints Row 2 Review (XBOX360)
Ever since Grand Theft Auto first came out back in 1997 (god that was ages ago!) I have always said to myself, and others, that nothing would beat it, that it is a unique game that would be on our console systems for years to come. I was right about one thing – it has…
XBOX360 ‘Lips’ Release Information
The highly anticipated ‘Lips’ for the XBOX360 is due to be released in the UK on 21st November 2008. This is an exclusive for the Xbox360, so if you like to think that your singing in the car, or the shower, or even on the toilet is pretty good, then you want to pick yourself up…
Tomb Raider: Anniversary (XBOX360) Review
This is my first review on here, so I hope you girls enjoy it. Please feel free to let me know what you think of my review. I’ll try and review as many games as possible, but I thought I’d start with a favourite of mine. Abit of History on Tomb Raider (For those of…