Wishing every girl gamer out there, a very Merry Christmas. We hope you get all the games you want this Christmas and get time to play them during this festive, family holiday. Let us know in the comments what lovely gaming themed items you’ve received this Christmas!
general site info
Steam Group Avatar Winner
The competition is over for the Girl Gamers Steam Group avatar and a winner has now been picked from all the entries. Congrats to .xDizzy whose entry you see below.
GirlGamers Steam Group
We’ve now got our very own group for GirlGamers.co.uk on Steam. You can join the group here. As the group is new, we’re looking for an avatar for the group and we’re running it as a competition. The competition for an avatar will end June 30th and will be judged by the group members. The…
Want to Write for GirlGamers?
While GirlGamers.co.uk has been around for a while, our forum community has moved to GamerStyle.com, to accommodate for all gamers 😀 and so our blogging community/posts is still quite small. We’re looking for female gamers to write about games, news etc with a female perspective. If you’re interested, please send an email to admin@gamerstyle.com with…