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New redesigned PS3 model coming soon

New redesigned PS3 model coming soon

Sony have confirmed that they are to release a newly designed version of the PlayStation 3. The console will be sold as a bundle package with Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception included within the $270 price tag for a 250GB PS3. Sony also plan to release a 500GB version of their ‘new’ PlayStation 3 which will…

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SSX Demo released in Europe for PS3 owners

On Monday we reported that EA’s SSX would have a demo released the following day for North America PS3 owners with Europeans having to wait until later in the week. The demo was also stated to arrive on Xbox 360 but, at the time it was unknown whether it would only be available to those…

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Sega announce Sonic CD release

Most of the Sonic games have been re-released other the years on various platforms, as part of compilations or stand alone downloads. On the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, the original Sonic the hedgehog is available to download, as well as Sonic 2, Sonic 3 and Sonic and Knuckles and the 2011 Sonic game, Sonic…

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